We are now enjoying autumn with the leaves turning to bright colors of reds, golds, yellows, and oranges. I live in Phoenix so not so many colors but luckily in my neighborhood we do. Lots of Phoenicians travel north to Flagstaff to enjoy the colors. The leaves remind me that as a little girl (back on Long Island) piling leaves together with friends and jumping into them. Such simple fun! In my book world I love fall because many new books appear in my searches. I've listed those near the end of this blog. But first I wanted to share three new sampler book available. I love samplers and I know so many of my needlework book lover friends also do as well. Every fall we wait expectantly for the new Witney Antiques embroidery catalog to appear. And now it has! The Educated Stitch is now available for all sampler enthusiasts. This year the catalogue covers 72 color illustrated samplers. The focus is on the types of schools that produced the samplers during the 18th and 19th centuries. I love how the personal history of the girls (when known) is included. That makes reading sampler books so up close and personal - you almost feel you know these young students. $34.95 (Don't forget your 20% discount on this title.) Sorry, no picture of cover at this time. Because Witney Antique catalogues are so luscious and asked for all the time, I've included those that are still available. Take a peek! Yes, 20% discount on these! Now Whilst My Hands Are Thus Employed. Three Centuries of Historic Samplers - The samplers illustrated in this catalogue cut across all levels of society embracing both the affluent and the poor and stands as a testament to the skill and perseverance of the young and their talented teachers. Whether worked with a view to future employment, for pleasure or in order to be the mistress of a large household, they illuminate the lives of girls and young women going back over 300 years. $29.00
What's in a Name? People and Places - This selection of samplers looks into the legacy left by now forgotten school girls and their teachers in attempting to peel back time, finding perhaps how they lived. The samplers cut across all levels of society embracing the affluent and the poor, sometimes leading us into unexpected places. $29.00
For Pleasure and Ornament. Art Treasures of English Domestic Embroidery 1580 - 1835 - This catalogue depicts some rare and iconic examples of the embroiderers art. We have included some embroideries from well-known collections, some unrecorded samplers which range from a superb group of three remarkable architectural samplers worked at Stickney School in Leicestershire to a delightful small orphanage pocket sampler of the finest workmanship. $29.00
Wrought with the Needle: Art Treasures of English Embroidery: Elizabeth I to George II - This catalogue depicts some of the finest Elizabethan needlework which in fine condition is extremely rare, it includes an embroidered gentleman's cap, a rare bodice panel and, of particular interest, an exquisite folio cover embroidered in silk, metallic threads and spangles on an ivory silk ground with beautifully worked images of small animals, insects and flowers, typical of the Elizabethan period. From the mid 17th Century features a mirror decorated with Royal figures, Charles II wearing a cloak composed of hundreds of minute feathers. The Wilby House Casket is also featured and is one of the finest and most colourful to have come on the market in recent years. And, of exceptional rarity, is a beadwork layette basket. $32.00 Tis Education Forms the Common Mind: Schools, Scholars and Seminaries - A vital part of a young girl's education was sewing and, through the needle, feminine virtues were impresses on the young mind. Where possible, we have tried to link groups of samplers together. In some cases we have added to groups which are already known and have illustrated in this catalogue newly discovered and previously unrecorded samplers. $25.00
Friends. A Common Thread. Samplers with a Quaker Connection - This catalogue is intended as a guide based on a group of samplers tracing the influence of Quaker practices and religious beliefs on the education of our forebears, Quaker or otherwise. Charting both family histories and the relationships between the wider family of Quakers and society in general, the study of needlework can act as a primary source as well as an important historical social record. $34.00
Changing Styles: The Eighteenth Century. One Hundred Years of Sampler Making - The style of English samplers evolved slowly throughout the 18th century. This catalogue charts this development from emerging importance of women's literacy, the moral influence of moral excellence on young minds, the period of pastoral sampler making and the growth in needle arts practiced in fashionable boarding school for young ladies. This catalogue also includes a very rare group of eight Scottish family samplers spanning a period of some forty years. $29.00
Stitched in Adversity - This catalogue illustrates some of the finest work produced by the poorest girls in adverse conditions. Examples illustrated come from orphanages, asylums, charity schools, and schools of industry. Four examples of rare pocket samplers are shown both front and back. $35.95
Samplers Mapped and Charted - This sampler focuses on map samplers from, we believe, the first such exhibition to have been held. There are illustrations of the more frequently seen embroidered maps of England and Wales, as well of rare county maps. Maps of Spain, Ireland, Palestine, France and Europe are illustrated and also double globe World maps of the Northern and Southern hemispheres and others including an unusual farm map and a war map. $32.00
On This Fair Sampler Does My Needle Write - Featuring the inclusion of a number of samplers from the Emma-Henriette Schiff von Suvero during the early years of the last century. This unique collection was acquired by the German government and then given to the Staatlich Kunstgewerbemuseum, Vienna. These were carefully stored until spring of 2003, when restitution was made by the Austrian Government and the collection dispersed. Both English and Continental samplers are illustrated including rare examples dating from the 17th Century to the early 19th Century. $32.00
An Exceptional Endeavour - This catalogue reflects the long tradition of both professional and domestic embroidery in Scotland. Some samplers name the town in which they were worked. Other samplers are identified as Scottish through elements in their design or text influenced by popular literature. To form a comparison to their Scottish counterparts some interesting English samplers from the 18th and 19th centuries have also been included. To form a comparison to their Scottish counterparts some interesting English samplers from the 18th and 19th centuries have also been included. $32.00
Diligence, Industry and Virtue - This catalogue delves into three hundred years of social history reflecting the perceived feminine ideals taught from early childhood. Many of the verses recorded on samplers are designed to inculcate these ideals. The earliest samplers date from the 17th century, and span over two hundred years of sampler making. Including rare punishment needleworks and a series of three samplers with "The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. $32.00
When This You See Remember Me - The needlework featured in this catalogue were intended to be given as gifts, to record friendships or commemorate family events. The catalogue features many needleworks including a rare embroidered letter, collections of needlework specimens, miniature dresses and a hair sampler presented to a Prison Governor by an inmate as well as many others evocative and poignant pieces. $32.00
Paradise Revisited - There must surely be no earlier craft than that of needlework, for in Genesis we read that Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together and made aprons. This catalogue explores the Garden of Delights with all manner of plants and creatures as well as the arcadian lifestyle to which 18th century English society aspired and features forty one colourful samplers and embroideries. $45.00
Upstairs Downstairs, Plain and Fancy - This catalogue of British and Historic Embroideries from 1590 - 1880 features needleworks made at all levels of society, from grand houses to orphanages. Fifty-three examples of plain and decorative work illustrated in colour. $32.00
How Fragrant the Rose - This catalogue of samplers and embroideries from 1650 - 1850 that shows off the English love of flowers in this outstanding embroideries which featured in this exhibit of forty-five needleworks illustrated in colour. $20.00
Samplers, Town and Country - This catalogue is a collection of fine antique needlework samplers naming the cities, town and villages in which they were worked. It includes a group of rare map samplers for a total of forty-seven samplers illustrated in colour. $20.00
All Creatures Great and Small - This catalogue features thirty - eight samplers dating from 1625 to 1889 depicting animals, birds, and insects. The title comes from a traditional hymn reflecting the strong influence of religion in needlework throughout this period. However, as illustrated, there are very many other aesthetic and symbolic uses for which animal imagery serves. $35.00
Samplers, House and Garden - Invite a child to pick up a pen and paper and they may well depict their home. Houses and garden have always been a rich source of creative inspiration and were an important subject for antique samplers. This catalogue features thirty-two fine examples all illustrated in colour. This is out of print but I'm making a list for it.
ANOTHER NEAT BOOK ON THE IMPORTANCE OF EMBROIDERY IN CAROGRAPHY Stitching the World: Embroidered Maps and Women's Geographical Education by Judith A. Tyner - Judith wrote an article about this in the March 19999 NeedleArts Magazine and that got me impatiently waiting for her book to be published and now it's been out a while. I never realized until I saw the above Witney catalogue on Samplers Mapped and Charted how amazing these maps and globes actually are. She tells us that from the late 18th century until about 1840, schoolgirls in the British Isles and the United States created embroidered map samplers and even silk globes. Descriptions of these samplers stated that they were designed to teach needlework and geography. This book doesn't focus on stitches and techniques used in 'drafting' maps, but rather why they were developed and why they were made for such a brief time. Why is simple. The events of the late 18th and early 19th
century stimulated an explosion of interest in geography. These embroidered maps and globes is an example of the transition in women's educations from 'accomplishments' to challenging geographic education.
Judith's book is a serious attempt to bring these wonderful embroidered maps and globes into the field of cartography. Unfortunately children's maps had not been studied, although they might have much to offer about geographical teachings and perceptions of a period, and map samplers have been dismissed because they are the work of schoolgirls. Needlework historians, likewise, have not done in-depth studies until recently.
In the late 18th century, The Lady's Book did publish patterns for embroidering maps as samplers or for fire screens. I'd love to see this embroidering maps and globes come back around and a book on designing these and the stitches used, for today's stitchers. Meanwhile we have Judith's book and Witney's catalogue to drool over and study. $49.95
ANOTHER MARVELOUS NEW SAMPLER BOOK Delaware Discoveries: Girlhood Embroidery 1750 - 1850 by Gloria Seaman Allen and Cynthia Shank Steinhoff - With more than 250 photographs, this gorgeous book examines sampler styles unique to a particular area, teacher, or school, including schools out-of-state. Before the authors and a team of researchers began their investigation in 2012, few samplers from Delaware were known. Through contacts with needlework guilds, museums, and historical societies, and communication via newer digital media, researchers documented dozens of samplers owned by private collectors, families of sampler makers, and organizations displayed at "ID Days" held at museums and historical societies in all three counties. I can't wait to read it from cover to cover. $75.00 (Discount code: Hall19)
TWO OUT-OF-PRINT SAMPLER BOOKS Allen, Gloria Seaman - A Maryland Sampling: Girlhood Embroidery 1738-1860 - This was our author's wonderful sampler book on Maryland samplers published in 2007. With more than 150 color photographs of samplers and pictorial embroideries - most never published. This is a fantastic in-depth study of regional, religious, and racial diversity and showcases the most skillful, unusual, interesting and less well-known aspects of Maryland girlhood embroidery. Also information on the schools, and teachers, as well as all students known to have worked silk pictorial embroideries. Also unique to Maryland are the antebellum samplers and needlework pictures worked by African American girls primarily the daughters of free black families in Baltimore. $47.00 I only have two books left. Sorry, but no discount on out-of-print books. Tarrant, Naomi E A - Remember Now Thy Creator: Scottish Girls' Samplers, 1700-1892 - Before they could make an embroidered sampler, all girls had to learn how to sew a fine seam and other elements needed for making their own clothes. Girls in Scotland made samplers within a general British tradition, but some designs appear to have developed that are specifically Scottish, such as the use of red and green alphabets. Another Scottish feature was the use of family initials, including the mother's maiden name, which makes it easier to trace the makers in records. Verses used on samplers show a wide variety of sources and these have been identified where possible. Published in 2014. $32.00. I have only one copy left. Next blog will have many more out-of-print books for you!
POTPOURRI OF NEW BOOKS Blythe, Mary A. - Wool Applique Heirloom: 15 Antique-Inspired Projects and Techniques - Sewing in the popular folk-art style, you'll stitch fifteen projects, including thirteen heirloom-worthy table mats and two versions of an Advent calendar, on a cotton or wool base. Learn how reverse applique brings depth and color to your handwork without the bulk of additional layers. This guide offers advice on choosing and using wool (even scraps!), plus valuable techniques and tips for wool hand stitchers. $26.95
Gelder, Claire - Mabel Bunny and Co.: 15 loveable animals to crochet using chunky yarn - As well as fifteen different animals to crochet and love, including a dragon, a polar bear, a red panda and a pig, you can make a mini Mabel, octopus and koala, which are 30-40cm tall. The projects are pitched at beginners to improvers and are suitable for someone who has mastered the basics of crochet. So get inspired, choose a pattern to start and be prepared to fall in love with this collection of adorable toys. $19.95
Giordano, Chloe - The Embroidered Art of Chloe Giordano - Take a walk through the stunning stitched world of renowned embroiderer Chloe Giordano, and discover ;not only her unique way of working with sewing thread but also a collection of her exquisite textile art, inspired by her love of the natural world. Taking one project from conception through to completion, see how Chloe plans her designs, chooses colours, selects threads, blends colours and finally stitches her designs in order to create her beautifully detailed embroideries. She guides you through hooping and framing. In the second part of the book you'll find a beautiful gallery of Chloe's work showcasing her popular, intricate embroideries offering the back story of her inspiration behind each piece, offering a fascinating look into her creative process. $35.00
Goldsmith, Becky - The Ultimate Thread Guide: Everything you need to know to choose the perfect thread for every project - This amazing reference guide features a handy thread use key (organized by thread manufacturer) that shows the most common uses for each and every thread, helping you determine which one is right for your project. Get the inside scoop on thread types and fibers, thread weight, choosing the correct sewing machine needle, and how thread is made. $14.95
Gunn, Sarah and Julie Starr - A Stylish Guide to Classic Sewing: Explore 30 timeless garments with history, styling and tips for ready-to-wear results - Discover the secrets to sewing a stylish wardrobe with staying power! This guide walks you through thirty timeless garments to create, including a must-have button-up shirt, a flattering A-line dress, and a modern classic pencil skirt (pattern included). The authors have created an engaging, informative guide to sewing by tracing the garments' origins, offering styling and sewing tips, and sharing a modeled photo gallery and charming fashion illustrations by Beth Briggs. $29.95
Haggard, Brian - Heirloom Embroidery from Brian Haggard: 225+ Iron-on Designs - Over two-hundred and twenty-five embroidery designs from the best-selling author Brian Haggard are now available as iron-on transfers, to make applying and using his designs a breeze. Transfer and embroider beautiful designs from his popular books, Embroidered Memories and Crazy-Quilted Memories. From floral banners to birds and bees, this book has elegant images of all kinds (and in all sizes, too!). $19.95
Holmes, Cas - The Found Object in Textile Art - Cas Holmes is renowned for her use of the found object, and her many-layered atmospheric pieces have been exhibited internationally. She explains how to obtain these items, how to work with them, and how to create surfaces. See how to do mark-making with non-traditional coloring media, such as beetroot; knead paper, in a process known as momigami, stitch fabric to form three-diamensional shapes; turn mundane items like bottle caps into brooches; and add meaning to your art by incorporating personal memorabilia. Suggested projects range from simple journals to unusual frames, and you'll find a wealth of techinques and more. $29.95
Kim, Minki - Zakka from the Heart: Sew 16 Charming Projects to Warm Any Home - Add peace to your busy life with a cozy afternoon of zakka sewing. The author brings us sixteen crafts for your must-sew list. With a number of techniques, from quilting and wool applique to embroidery. Advance your skills by installing a variety of zipper styles, bag handles, and hardware. From purses to pouches, these useful handmade gifts are ideal for gifting or keeping. $24.95
Lacy, Erin - Beginner's Guide to Screen Printing: 12 Beautiful Printing Projects with Templates - This author shows us how to make our own screen using an embroidery hoop and silk fabric, and demonstrates how easy it is to screen print. Discover how to print onto different surfaces such as wood, cork, fabric, and create twelve stunning, botanical and coastal-themed projects through great photography by Belgian talent Virginia De Man, is taken on location at Erin's own studio in St. Ives, Cornwall. We are also shown how to make templates and how to design your own templates and motifs. $15.95
Mein, Annemieke - The Art of Annemieke Mein: Wildlife Artist in Textiles - I'm so happy this fabulous book has been brought back in print. It's one of my all time favorites. This talented artist was born in Holland. Her textile works are a rare standard of artistry. She has explored beyond the bounds of craft and developed new techniques in her uses of textiles and fabric paints. She uses an amazing variety of materials -silk, wool, fur, cotton, synthetics, carefully chosen for their colour, texture, credibility and aesthetic appeal. These fabrics are then meticulously painted and stitched to faithfully reproduce her chosen subjects and enhance the tactile quality unique to textiles. Numerous techniques are used in limitless combinations: hand and machine embroidery, dyeing, appliqe, trapunto, quilting, pleating, felting, beading, weaving and plying. Her work leaves me in awe and appreciating our natural world on a higher level. $35.00
Morgan, Betsy - Willing Hands: The Counted Thread Embroidery - Stitch these enchanted etuis and accessories for holding cherished needlework tools with this stunning collection of projects by Betsy Morgan. Worked in counted thread techniques using hand-dyed silk threads, each etui is adorned with exquisite motifs based on themes including antique toys, Elizabethan caskets, pioneer samplers and beloved fruits and flowers. She has designed a charming selection of small projects to match each etui including scissor sheaths and fobs, thread winders, needlebooks, pincushions and thimble cases. There are colorful charts to guide each stitch and detailed instructions for every step from stitching to construction. $36.95 (don't forget your 20% discount!).
Otsuka, Ayako - Whitework Embroidery: Learn the Stitches Plus 30 Step-By-Step Projects - Whether you are into whitework or just need a refresher, this book will show you how to make variety thread work, Hebebo, count work, and Schwalm, step-by-step instructions make stitches easy to learn, and two sampler patterns give you the perfect canvas on which to practice making a wall-hanging at the same time. Full-photo illustrated instructions and all the necessary patterns for each of 30 projects are included. Design items for tea time, and designs for baby including an heirloom christening gown, bonnet, bib, and booties. Delicate pouches and a ring bearer pillow will add a personal touch to a specific pieces to make them family heirlooms. $24.95
Parrott, Helen - Mark-Making Through the Seasons: Textile Art inspiration and techniques - Drawing on the Slow Stitch movement, Helen explains how mark-making - using stitches to make marks on fabric as you develop your design - can be used meditatively through the year to record variations in color, energy, and light. She encourages you to connect your own locality and create a personal cycle of textile art that captures everything from summer's sunny brightness to winter snow. Each seasonal section begins with an observational walk, followed by an exploratory paper, working samples and completed art. This book also showcases finished works from Helen's exhibitions and from the Bradford Textile Archive, to reveal a range of creative possibilities. $29.95
Smith, Annie - The Ultimate Applique Reference Tool: Hand and machine techniques; step-by-step instructions; choosing supplies; options for embellishments - This experienced author teaches us everything we need to know to sew the quilt of your dreams! This colorful guide to hand and machine applique includes step-by-step techniques, plus advice on fabric selection, choosing supplies, and working with templates. Use the included patterns to practice - then start designing your own applique blocks and quilts. $19.95
Spitz, Helga - Classic Kicks for Little Feet - From ballerina slippers and moon boots to basketball sneakers and espadrille, this adorable collection features 16 booties that mimic actual adult styles. Created for babies from 0 to 9 months, every pattern is quick and easy - especially since they all use the same basic sole construction. Also has a sampling of fun embellishments like shoelaces, beads, and zippers, these tiny shoes will leave everyone delighted. $14.95
THANKS FOR VISITING US If this was your first visit I'd like to introduce you to our book business of over 26 years. During this time we've set up many bookshops for the ANG and EGA seminars and a variety of other needlework organizations as well as doing this blog. Can't find a certain book? Please give us a call and we'll go to work to find it for you whether it is in-print or out-of-print. Call us Monday thru Saturday at: 602-943-0738. If you get the dreaded message machine please don't be shy about leaving a message. I'll get back to you ASAP. Or you can e-mail me at: Or mail your order to: Ruth Kern Books 7235 N. 9th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021. MOST IMPORTANT! Remember to look for the discount code hidden somewhere in this blog that gives you a 20% discount on any new books you order from this blog or the previous ones. WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOU VISITING US AGAIN!
I love old maps and those embroidered maps look are fascinating. it would be lovely to see more being stitched.